* Recent – will show the last 8 videos added to SageTV. * SortBy – select how you want to view your videos, such as by file-system if you videos are in multiple folders and that is how you want to navigate there * Filters – if you want to view only certain videos, such as those tagged as Blu-Ray
Sage Movie Wall Home Page Menu (you can adjust as per v. * Scaling Menu – revisit scaling menu optionsī. * Show on Menu – Choose which items you want on the homepage menu * Custom Tag Edits – edit custom tags on video files * Theatre Logos – choose which logos you want to display on your Home Page (such as dts-hd) * Show Theatre Title/Theatre Title – if you want to add a custom title to appear when the Home Page loads * Home Page Theme – there are 3 themes to choose from: (1) Star Wars, (2) Joker, and (3) Reflections Scaling/transformations must be on done on each client!! Extenders only require it be done on the server or one extender.
With Scaling and Image Transformations complete, restart Sagetv and Sagetv Service to clear out cache. This process will run in the background and is processor intensive, recommend not trying to navigate SageMC while this is running) Once scaling has been completed, now select “Perform All Image Transformations” (Performs all image reflections and transformations for all views of SMW, overwrites any existing. Now select “Scale All Items Now” (Scales all Small and Big backgrounds now for the entire movie collection. Small Backgrounds -> 50% (Set the percentage to scale small backgrounds. Will scale all large backgrounds to that resolution for faster performance) Backgrounds -> Scaled to 1080p/I (Set to highest resolution your display is capable of doing. For optimal performance set the following options: When you first go into “My Videos” the SMV Scaling Options screen will appear. It all was done correctly SMW should now load from your “Videos”ĥ.
Now go back to “Import STVi” and load SageMovieWall.xml Under Browse I see SageMC_6_3_9a_46-1, SageMC_6_3_9a_46-2, etc… Don’t select any of these copies, just the original xml.Ĭ. For example, I am running SageMC_6_3_9a_46. Go to My Menu -> Settings -> Load STV -> Browse and select the current SageMC xml you are using, but ignore copies.
If you already have a version of SMW installed, follow this steps:ī. SageMC Setup -> Main -> Global UI Options -> Animation. Go to SageMC Setup -> Main -> Screen Specific Options -> Video Library -> Custom Video Library Screen and load Sage Movie Wall.Ĭ. Start back up SageTV and in SageMC go to Settings, select “Import STVi”, and load SageMovieWall.xml.ī. If this is the first time installing SMW, follow these steps:Ī. Delete All Properties files from properties file that start with “pluckyhd” if you used a previous version. Import latest version of BMI (optional).Import of the add-in is required before importing SageMovieWall if you use the add-in. Extract all files to //centralfanartartfolder/Actors Extract all files to C:Program Files\SageTV\SageTV. #SAGETV SKINS INSTALL#
To install make sure SageTV is shut down (service as well if applicable). #SAGETV SKINS DOWNLOAD#
Download and install latest beta of SageMovieWall (SMW), currently v4.
Now open up SageTV, and in SageMC go to Settings, select “Load STV”, and load SageMC_169.xmlĤ. Download and install latest SageMC, currently 6.3.9a. Once again, test functionality before proceeding.ģ. After I load I get an error message from SageTV, so I simply shut down SageTV and reopen. From the Setup Menu go to Detailed Setup -> Advanced -> SageTV Application Package and select SageMC_169.xml. Extract all files to C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV. Download and install SageMC16x9 Version 6.xFull Install Package. Download and install latest version of SageTV, currently V6.6. Installation (Skip to step 4 if you arlready have the latest version of SageMC installed):ġ. BMT v3.0.9 (see instructions here) Or Phoenix API v1.42 or greater (download here)